Hitch’s White Lady

Alfred Hitchcock’s favourite cocktail, at least when visiting Harry’s Bar in Venice, was the White Lady; his treatment of ladies, and for that matter of actors in general was less gentlemanly. Tippi Hedren, who had starred in one of the director’s best known films ”The Birds” (1963) later commented:

”Hitchcock was more careful about how the birds were treated than he was about me. I was just there to be pecked.”

The White Lady

  • 1½ oz gin
  • ¾ oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 oz Cointreau
  • and 1 egg white shaken over ice [1]

If one listens to that song for long enough, one begins to have sympathies for the birds. Please make it stop.

[1] ”The Globe and Mail” http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/wine/orson-welles-alfred-hitchcock-and-the-four-best-gin-cocktails/article24909884/

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