Tag Archives: Greyhound

Tyne Daly’s Greyhound

If you happen to be wondering about the attached still, it shows Ms. Daly as Maria Callas in ”Master Class” at the  Samuel J. Friedman Theatre on Broadway in 2011. It is a far cry from her ingenue beginnings as Kate in Dirty Harry’s ”The Enforcer” or IT nerd Dotty in ”Telefon” (1977). 

In view of her late burgeoning career, the Greyhound cocktail seems rather fitting, and there’s even a history to this drink: “The cocktails were made of vodka, sugar, and canned grapefruit juice — a greyhound. This cocktail was served at Greyhound’s popular restaurant chain that was located at bus terminals, called ‘Post House’.” (Harper’s Magazine, 1945)

  • 1 part Vodka
  • 3 parts grapefruit juice (pink would be perfect)
  • 1 grapefruit wedge

Fill an old-fashioned glass with ice cubes, add all the ingredients and garnish with a (pink) grapefruit.

Add a salt rim and you’ve got a Salty Dog.